It's cold here in Firenze. This morning as I set out for my run it was -1 degree Celsius. Right now it has risen to 0 degrees, which is 32 degrees Farenheit. I only converted that one for you because it's easy. While this might seem warm to my fellow New Yorkers, the humidity here is at a constant 60% at the very least, which makes it feel frigid. And yes, the conversions are just about killing me. I am getting used to it, though. In fact, I have officially joined the camp that believes that the entire world should run on the Metric system.

As I set out across the Ponte Alle Grazie the sun had just begun to rise over the hills.

Running along with the Ponte Vecchio, to my right...

I run over the river and towards the Piazzale Michelangelo. This is about a quarter of the way up.

View from the Piazza. So imagine, every day is the same scenario: me, maybe one other runner who is usually American, and at least three buses full of Japanese tourists. I have no doubt that I make regular appearances in their photos.

This morning I was feeling adventurous so I continued on farther into the hills...

... and farther into the hills

After a bit of downhill action (all the while I am thinking... I need trail runners to do this kind of running), I finally arrived at the Palazzo Pitti...

...and headed home over the Ponte Vecchio. For those of you who either live here or have been to Firenze, you know that the only time you can see the Ponte Vecchio like this is before 9AM. Even at 3AM this bridge is filled with people.
My workout does not end there! Don't forget I live on the top floor of my building, so after climbing 7 flights of stairs with my heart in my hand... I finally arrive home to start my day. This all occurs hours before the Italians have even thought of getting out of bed.
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